Ambergris is a waxy product made by sperm whales in the digestive tract. The whales create the material to secure the stomach wall from pointy bits.

What is Ambergris ?

  Ambergris is a waxy product made by sperm whales in the digestive tract. The whales create the material to secure the stomach wall from pointy bits. The whales expel it if the product is no longer required. The rough wax lies in the water or is swept on the shore. The substance commences tenderly within the digestive tract of...
Short History of Attar

Short History of Attar

  Attar is a symbolic word in Arabi language that means fragrance. The art of making the pleasant and sweet smelling perfumes spread gradually over time. The Indus valley civilization shows indications of this art in form of mud containers and perfume jars. Round copper stills were used to make Attar and the archaeological excavation dates them to be at...